Saturday, 26 July 2014

A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a prince who lived in a big grey castle near a rotten haunted kingdom where graveyards were around every corner. 

One day in 1975 the king of the haunted kingdom wanted war at MIDNIGHT.

The prince told the king the knights should get ready. Two seconds  later the prince heard a beautiful voice. It had sounded like it was coming from the haunted  kingdom.  

The prince looked out the window. The bad king was lowering a princess into lava . The prince got the scientist and they both hopped on a horse and went  to the haunted king. They killed the bad king and stopped the princess from falling into the lava and  lived happily ever after.

The end

By Max G

Emelia's Writing

The Alien UFO
On the 30th of April 1927 I was coming home from gymnastics with my friend. But suddenly I saw an Alien UFO on a grassy patch. I was now thinking hard about all the questions I would ask the Aliens if they came back. Will they come back? I do not know!

Alien UFO Quiz :
  1. Where was the UFO ?
Answer :
2. What year was it ?
Answer :
3. What month was it in ?
Answer :
4. What date was it on ?
Answer :
5. Where was I ?
Answer :

By  Emelia

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Dojo Points

Well done to this week's Dojo point winners:
Prithika, Hayley, Andrew, Georgia & Jessica.

Congratulations to the seventh student to reach 100 Dojo points.