Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Fairy Tale by Ryan

The Wicked Treehouse

Once  upon a time a  young sovereign was roaming all over the country.  He wandered into an enchanted sylvan. The sovereign saw a man trapped in a 50 foot tall  tree. The man looked perturbed.  

Everyday when the sovereign roamed into the sylvan he saw the impoverished man stuck in the petrifying tree. Finally, one day, the sovereign felt sorry for him and climbed up the fearsome tree.  After what seemed like forever, he arrived.

The tree didn't seem so eerie inside. He saw the terrorized man and touched him… Instantaneously the hombre disappeared and a sinister laugh filled the room. It was Garbagesmell, the evil scientist!

Garbagesmell cast a powerful spell. There were doors everywhere! The young sovereign opened every single door he could find. But everytime he opened another door he found himself in the room he had left.

After a few hours a knight saw him  and got a chainsaw and started chopping the tree down, but no matter how much he tried the knight just shrunk.  After a while the most powerful king, Author,  came! Author smashed down the tree with his undefeatable Excalibur. The sovereign shrieked while he fell.  He was grateful he was out of the nasty tree.

He was sent to hospital and after he recovered he lived happily ever after.

The End

By Ryan

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