Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Cats do not like water. Most cats can see well in the dark. Cats  have 9 lives. Cats whiskers can sense how wide a gap is.

There are more than 100 breeds of cats such as siamese, tabby and burmese.  Also, jaguars are also the only big cat that can purr. Lions have a mane to attract a lioness. Chasing strings, cats also chase birds mice and are very good at climbing trees. Some cats fight to get other cats out of their property. Cats lick themselves clean.

Cats have very sharp teeth and claws. They have long and lovely fur.  If a cat has a wet nose it means it is healthy. Some cats are stripy, some are spotty and some are plain. Cats eat birds, eggs, mice, fish, cat food and jelly meat.

By Mia

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